I am really getting into this blog thing way more than I thought I would. Kristen has "tagged" me for quirks and as thinking about it I realized I needed to do categories. I have a lot of OCD disorder things that are "normal" for me. I am going to write the ones that seem particularly peculiar. I am excited to see Jeff's idiosyncrasies, and request that he posts an edited version. Thank you Jeff. :)
#1 When I see small children brush their teeth I always have a gag reflex and feel like I am going to throw up.
#2 Already posted this on John's blog...I slow down when I see a policeman...when I am walking.
#3 Occasionally I find myself clacking my teeth to the clock or song rhythyms. Does anyone else do that?
#4 Since I was a child I do what my mother refers to as "working myself into a frenzy" before I go to sleep. Whenever I have to get up for something especially I lay there and count down the math and get very frenzied because I am trying too hard to fall asleep...example..."now it is midnight, I have to get up in six hours...if I fall asleep in thirty minutes I will only get 5.5 hours of sleep...oh my gosh, now it is 1:30...I have to get up in 4.5 hours I have got to go to sleep. Sometimes this can last for several hours. A few times all night.
#5 When I purchase clothing I figure out the math on the "price per wear". I will wear this at least once a week for the next year and it costs forty dollars...that will be about a dollar a week. I will wear this twice in the next year and it costs forty dollars...at twenty dollars per wear is it really worth it?
#6 I am a heavy walker and a heavy sitter. I throw all of my weight into both so it would sound like I weigh aproximately three hundred pounds. Ask my roommate.
#7 I could devote at least ten of these to things have to do with hair. Disgusting. Do not get me started.
#8 I eat grapes a certain way...I put them one by one into my mouth and once several are in there I chew them up.
Oh my gosh...I think I need counseling. I am way over the allowable limit for quirks. :)